Spend some time exploring funding options to pay for your post-secondary schooling. While you are searching for scholarships, bursaries and/or student loans do make note of any deadlines you need to adhere to.
Morinville Learning Centre and Sturgeon Learning Centre Students have an opportunity to be awarded an $800 scholarship - Application and requirements for Champion Pet Foods Award.
This scholarship of $800 is awarded to one Sturgeon Public Schools graduate from either the Morinville Learning Centre or the Sturgeon Learning Centre who has demonstrated perseverance and diligence and is pursuing a post-secondary education in an agricultural related field of study.
The recipient must have attended Morinville Learning Centre or Sturgeon Learning Centre, must not be a mature student, must provide confirmation of enrollment in a post-secondary institution for the following school year and be actively pursuing a post-secondary education in an agricultural related field.
A typed 100 – 150 word submission addressing the reasons for choice of study must be attached to the application. Confirmation of Enrollment (form attached), is to be completed and received between September 15 - 30 for the Fall Term. Students eligible are encouraged to complete and submit the attached application.
Scholar Tree
Grade12 students are encouraged to visit https://scholartree.ca , the best site for Canadian students to find and apply for scholarships.
New Features:
- View scholarships by category
- Filter scholarships
- More sort options
- More accurate matching algorithm
- Improved mobile interface
ScholarTree is 100% free to students!
If you have any feedback, questions or would like any more information, please don't hesitate to Brit Garson, Co-Founder ScholarTree m. 647-927-1643, scholartree.ca e: brit.garon@scholartree.ca
Following are some additional scholarships available to Sturgeon Public School students, as well are some suggested websites that may be helpful:
Beyond High School: wondering what you might like to do beyond high school for a job or a career? Start exploring. Here are some suggested websites that can assist you:
- Learning Clicks http://www.learningclicks.ca/
- ALIS (Career, learning and employment information for Albertans) https://alis.alberta.ca/